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EXCLUSIVE VID: Tristan and Tyler Timmons Share Their Journey To Hollywood

Tristan and Tyler Timmons from HBO's Euphoria


EXCLUSIVE VID: Tristan and Tyler Timmons Share Their Journey To Hollywood

Editor’s Note: While HBO’s Euphoria stars young actors, it contains mature subject matter that can be inappropriate for young people, and triggering for others. If you are under the age of 17, please talk to a parent or guardian before watching it.

Tristan and Tyler Timmons star as Troy and Roy alongside Zendaya and Storm Reid on HBO’s Euphoria and they stopped by YSBnow to share why they’re proud of the show’s message and how they landed their roles. Originally, their roles were meant for two best friends, but the twins impressed producers so much that they rewrote the roles for them!

See how they went from social media superstars to actors on the critically-acclaimed series. Watch now:

For more Tristan and Tyler, check out 5 things you might not know about them here:


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