Halloween looks a little bit different this year, but there are still plenty of ways to celebrate the spooky holiday. Trick-or-treating might be cancelled in many cities, but candy is still a must and scary movies are still part of the plan.
Here are five ways to celebrate Halloween the 2020 way:
1. Scary Movie Marathon
Whether you’re watching with your fam, a BFF, or all alone, put together a double feature of some of the most iconic Halloween movies. Our faves are Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown!
2. Zoom Costume Party With Your BFFs
Text your BFFs and set up a Zoom chat room to show off your best costume idea! Download a spooky background for your Zoom and grab a candy bar to enjoy while you hang virtually with your BFFs!
3. Solo Costume Photo Shoot
Put together an epic costume (like your favorite TV character or IRL singer) and set up the perfect background for your costume photo shoot. Strike a pose and send the best pic to family and friends!
4. Candy Taste Test
With your parent’s permission, buy a group of candies you’ve never tried before and perform a detailed candy taste test! Get a variety of different kinds, from chocolate to sour candies, and share with your fam!
5. Halloween Themed Baking
There are so many options with this one! From pumpkin shaped cookies to a Jack the Skeleton cake, get creative with your baking ideas. Grab a friend or family member and have some Halloween fun in the kitchen! Don’t forget to snap a pic and tag us in it @YSBnow!