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10 Moments When “Dance Moms” Star Nia Sioux Frazier Was All of Our Goals


10 Moments When “Dance Moms” Star Nia Sioux Frazier Was All of Our Goals

Here’s why you should be following this fearless 16-year-old

Thanks to Lifetime’s Dance Moms, everyone knows that Nia Sioux Frazier is an amazing dancer and singer. However, we think Nia’s beautiful soul and kind heart should be recognized, too! Whether she’s motivating us with her tweets or making us emotional with her moves, Nia’s positive light always shines through.

Here are 10 times she made us feel amazing.

1. When she reminded us to keep a positive attitude:

2. When she made this tremendously important point:

3. When she was all about that #MondayMotivation (and rocked this killer snapback):

4. When she talked about the importance of being YOU:

5. When she blessed our feed with this epic Vine:

6. When she stressed the importance of education, and how she values it over fame & fortune:

7. When she dropped this music video & made us feel like we were on set slaying alongside her:

8. When she beautifully embodied the late Maya Angelou in this stunning solo:

9. When she showed us how hard work and determination can have major rewards:

10. And reminded us we’re all stars:

We love you, Nia!

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