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10 Reasons We’re Celebrating Kalin White’s Birthday


10 Reasons We’re Celebrating Kalin White’s Birthday

Happy birthday to one of our faves!

Kalin White turns 22 years old today and we’re celebrating with 10 reasons we love him. 

1. We’re so proud of him for his success in his solo music since parting ways with Myles Parrish.

2. He always dresses to impress.

3. His basketball skills are on point.

4. He gets hungry at the same time we do.

5. He has a sweet and silly personality.

6. He always keeps it real on social media.

7. He’s passionate about performing for his fans.

8. He loves and appreciates his fans and he’s always proving it.

9. His solo music always bumps. We CANNOT wait to hear more.

10. He killed it in our YSBnow prom shoot last year and for that we will ALWAYS love him.

Happy birthday, Kalin!

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