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7 Things We Learned at Today’s Private Harry Styles Show


7 Things We Learned at Today’s Private Harry Styles Show

Between songs, he answered questions & revealed secrets from his debut solo album

We just got back from Harry Styles’ private concert at The Roxy in West Hollywood, CA and are currently facing a serious case of post-concert depression. But we learned so many things about Harry and had to share them with you guys! 

We also want to thank the awesome team at SiriusXM for inviting us to be part of this special afternoon with Harry and Hits 1 in Hollywood!

1. The first time he heard “Sign of the Times” on the radio, Harry was in his kitchen, eating eggs.

2. The first song lyrics he remembers memorizing are Elvis Presley.

3. He said one major difference between being part of a group and being solo is that if he has to cough, he can’t step away and take a break!

4. He drinks his coffee black.

5. And the first song he wrote for his solo album, “Black Coffee,” turned out to be a flop when they recorded it!

6. He didn’t want to record his album in London or Los Angeles because he thought he’d be distracted. When a friend told him about a studio in Jamaica, he was in!

7. Finally, he says the outpouring of love from fans is astonishing, stating, “I’ve been continuously surprised by how amazing they are and I’m in love with you all.”

Listen to Harry’s incredible debut album below, and head over to our Instagram for exclusive clips from the concert!

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