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8 Reasons You Should Pre-Order Lilly Singh’s “How To Be A Bawse” Book Right Now


8 Reasons You Should Pre-Order Lilly Singh’s “How To Be A Bawse” Book Right Now

Are you excited for March 28?

We’ve been waiting for what feels like forever, and the day is almost here. There is less than ONE MONTH until March 28 when How To Be A Bawse comes out and we’re beyond ready!

If you’re new to Team Super, know that Lilly Singh – AKA IISuperwomanII – spent much of 2016 writing a book that will completely change our lives. “This book isn’t about me, it’s about a fight. A fight that every single one of us is experiencing, whether it’s against our mind, our health, our relationships, our bank accounts or the society we live in,” she says. “This book is filled with honest, hard-hitting, practical guidelines and tips that will build you up, call you out when need be, and encourage you to work hard for the success you deserve.”

If you’re as excited as we are, then you’ve already bought the #BawseBook on and are impatiently waiting for it to arrive. If you need some further convincing, however, here are 8 reasons you should preorder right now!

1. Because Lilly has been hustling hard on it for SO long:

2. Because it will teach you how to not just survive, but conquer life:

3. Because Lilly worked on it all over the world:

4. Because it will inspire you to be productive:

5. Because it will tell you what you need to hear:

6. Because it will encourage you to settle for no less than your best:

7. Because it will give you advice on how to handle failure:

8. And, of course, because we know exactly what was going on in Lilly’s head while she was writing:

Are you excited for Lilly’s book? Let us know by tweeting @YSBnow!

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