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A Restaurant Shamed This Teen & He Turned It Into Something Incredible


A Restaurant Shamed This Teen & He Turned It Into Something Incredible

“One little act of kindness can change a person’s entire perspective about their life,” he says

Someone once said that it’s not what happens to you in life, but how you react to it, that defines your character. And Virginia teenager Cohen Naulty is walking proof of that.

Cohen’s nickname is now “The Quarter Boy,” after his act of kindness in treating friends to a delicious meal unexpectedly went viral. See, Cohen recently visited a restaurant and opted to pay for all of the food using mostly quarters. He even left a generous 30% tip!

But then, Cohen learned that the restaurant had social media-shamed him by making fun of his method payment. “Took a few friends out to lunch and only had enough to pay for their meals with quarters,” he explained. “Though it was enough for the meal and a great tip, I was blasted on Facebook by the restaurant for paying in quarters. It was not a good day.”


But instead of letting it ruin his week, Cohen turned his experience into a positive and inspirational movement! “I had a great idea,” he shared. “I love paying for people’s meals even if I have to scrape together my last quarters to do so. This whole thing made me realize how much I love doing this and why…even if I get made fun of for it! A bad day can make you see the world in a very dark and depressing way. But one little act of kindness can change a person’s entire perspective about life! I love picking up the tab for others and seeing what it does for them.”  

So Cohen’s keeping his quarter payments going, proving how far a little spare change can go!


“I decided that I would find restaurants out there that didn’t mind being paid in quarters and treat a patron at least once a week, just to see what this simple act of kindness could do for them!” Cohen has done this at restaurants, gas stations, and even laundromats.

Watch him surprise a family at a Mexican restaurant below!

And make sure to keep up with Cohen on Facebook and see all the joy he’s bringing to others as he helps “change” their day for the better!

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