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Aly Raisman Confronts Body Shamers: “Thanks for forcing me to learn to love myself and my body”


Aly Raisman Confronts Body Shamers: “Thanks for forcing me to learn to love myself and my body”

The Olympic gold medalist speaks out in a compelling Instagram post

You would think that being a two-time Olympic gymnast already adorned with medals at age 22 would pretty much mean that Aly Raisman has had nothing but a slew of admirers throughout her life.

You would be wrong. The gold-medalist and role model recently shared a post on Instagram clapping back at the boys who made fun of her when she was younger.

“Shoutout to all the boys from 5th-9th grade who made fun of me for being ‘too strong,'” she wrote, alongside a photograph of her wrapping her feet presumably before practice. “Thanks for forcing me to learn to love myself and my body. My muscular arms that were considered weird and gross when I was younger have made me one of the best gymnasts on the planet.”

She then went onto share that she is part of the #PerfectNever campaign, Reebok’s movement that also features Gigi Hadid and Rhonda Rousey,  which encourages body positivity and the merits of exercise. 

We think that Aly is the perfect face for the campaign. Of course she is a globally recognized and respected athlete, but she also has–like so many of us–had experiences with body-shaming and bullying, which makes her an even stronger and better influence. 

She ended the post by saying: “Don’t ever let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn’t look. There is no such thing as a perfect body type.”

And there isn’t. Go Aly! You’re So Beautiful Now!

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