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Bella Hadid Opens Up About Embracing Her Insecurities


Bella Hadid Opens Up About Embracing Her Insecurities

“I think I had more beauty insecurities growing up than probably anybody,” the model shared.

Bella Hadid has grown up in the fashion industry, modeling for some of the biggest designers in the world. And though she may be one of the most glamorous celebs we’ve ever seen, she admitted in a new interview that she went through her own physical insecurities when she was younger.

“I think I had more beauty insecurities growing up than probably anybody,” she told Harper’s Bazaar magazine. “Growing up, I was always self-conscious about my brows but I never knew that you could do something about it.

 “I’ve always had really thin brows, I got them from my dad,” she shared. “I was also kind of chubbier growing up until I was 15, so there were a lot of things I had to grow into — I definitely had to grow into my face a lot. I wasn’t very secure with myself until recently.” 

Not only has Bella allowed herself to get more comfortable in her skin, but she has also found ways to turn her insecurities around. For example, she now loves using brow products and pencils to play around with her look – rather than hide her naturally thin arches.

“Brows are such a beautiful part of a woman and a man’s face, so to be able to enhance them now is revolutionary for me,” she shared.  “Fake it till you make it, I guess.”

From Bella’s story we see how important it is to give yourself time to not only grow into your features — but learn to either love them as is or find ways to not stress over them!

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