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BREAKING: Asher Dov Angel Scores a Blockbuster Role!


BREAKING: Asher Dov Angel Scores a Blockbuster Role!

The “Andi Mack” star is set to star in DC’s “Shazam”

It’s not just any Monday, it’s #MovieMonday because Asher Dov Angel just scored a starring role in DC’s next highly-anticipated blockbuster, Shazam! Asher will play Billy Batson, a young boy who can turn into a superhero by saying the acronym, “Shazam,” which stands for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. 

Just like us, die-hard fans of the comic love Asher for the role. He really looks a lot like Billy!

Fans can expect to see “Shazam” on the big screen in 2019. Way to go, Asher! We’re so proud of you!

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