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Brenna D’Amico Just Gave Us Another Reason To Absolutely Adore Her


Brenna D’Amico Just Gave Us Another Reason To Absolutely Adore Her

See how the “Descendants” star reached out to a fan on social media

It’s always amazing to see celebrities interact with fans when the cameras aren’t rolling. Most recently, we saw Jacob Sartorius leave a comment for one of his supporters who’d been in a car wreck, and just this morning, Brenna D’Amico reached out to Geri, a special fan in the UK who loves Descendants!

Brenna popped into Geri’s Instagram livestream to say hi! How cool is that!?

Geri writes, “Okay so earlier @brennadamico joined my live totally unexpected. She is so so amazing.”

Aww, Brenna! We agree with Geri – you are so amazing!

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