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Celebrate Issac Ryan Brown’s Birthday With His #TBT Cover Of Bruno Mars


Celebrate Issac Ryan Brown’s Birthday With His #TBT Cover Of Bruno Mars

Issac turns 13 today!

Here at YSBnow, we’re BIG fans of Raven’s Home star Issac Ryan Brown! He’s a total triple threat and he’s also one of the sweetest guys ever! Today, he officially becomes a teenager and it his birthday also happens to fall on a Thursday, which means the best way to celebrate is with a TBT video! 

Watch Issac SLAY this cover of Bruno Mars’ “Grenade” in 2016:

You can also check out Issac and his awesome sister, Serenity doing the sibling tag on our channel:

AND singing DCOM soundtrack songs:

Happy birthday, Issac! You’re the best and we owe you a birthday cupcake soon!

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