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EXCLUSIVE: Frankie Spills On What She Was Like As A Kid And How Avril Lavigne Inspired Her


EXCLUSIVE: Frankie Spills On What She Was Like As A Kid And How Avril Lavigne Inspired Her

Plus she may or may not have tried to pull off a “Parent Trap” plan at one point.

Frankie has loved pop music since she was a little girl and it’s been years of being the ultimate fangirl that have prepared her for her own career as a girl power icon. 

Frankie’s faves include Britney Spears, Stevie Nicks, and Avril Lavigne, just to name a few. When she came by the YSBnow House, she told us all about what she was like as a kid, her best friend growing up, and how she found the kind of pop star she wanted to be. 

Watch below and stay tuned for more with Frankie!

If you missed our live stream with her, watch it here. 

Check out Frankie’s latest music video for “Problems Problems” feat. Marc E. Bassy here!

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