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EXCLUSIVE: Jake Clark Reveals The Inspiration Behind His Single “Happy”


EXCLUSIVE: Jake Clark Reveals The Inspiration Behind His Single “Happy”

The singer/songwriter gave YSBnow the exclusive scoop.

The singer/songwriter gave YSBnow the exclusive scoop.

If you haven’t heard Jake Clark’s single “Happy” yet, we’re going to need to you to stop what you’re doing and stream it below ASAP. You might have seen the talented singer/songwriter from California on Brat’s series “The Talent Show” or heard his song “The Drive” when it was released in 2018, but now he’s ready to release even more new music, starting with this new single. Jake told YSBnow about the inspiration for the song and why it’s so important to him.

“Happy was inspired by experiences that a lot of people go through including myself, of parents fighting, and questioning what true love is. This song has helped me cope because writing for me feels like therapy. Most of my songs have just been fun upbeat songs, but this song really made me scratch deep down in my feelings, and that’s why it means so much to me. As I continue to grow in music, I also feel I’ve continued to grow in expressing myself more in songs. Happy means more to me than any song has before. This song is a very personal story of mine.”

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