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EXCLUSIVE: See the Powerful Message Behind Will Jay’s Most Personal Song Yet


EXCLUSIVE: See the Powerful Message Behind Will Jay’s Most Personal Song Yet

“‘Leading Man’ is how I feel in this present moment as an Asian-American trying to make it in show business.”

We can always count on Will Jay to write serious bops and crush it with his epic YouTube covers. But yesterday, the California singer/songwriter released his newest song, “Leading Man,” which is indoubtedly his most prolific one yet.

The song details Will’s struggle to be seen in an industry that lacks Asian-American representation. He can recall being at meetings with music executives and constantly being asked if he’ ever considered launching his career in Asia first. “It felt worse than rejection because I was being told ‘no’ for something completely out of my control,” he explains. “I saw what I was going through as a musician was mirrored by Asian-American actors, with blatantly whitewashed movies like The Great Wall & Ghost In The Shell continuing to be championed by Hollywood. It’s 2017 & we still don’t have an Asian leading man! So I decided why not write a song about it.”

And “Leading Man” was born. “Writing this song made me realize that I can be whoever I want to be, regardless of what the indusry thinks of me,” he tells YSBnow exclusively. “I hope this song inspires you to stay unapologetically who you are and to never shy around from who you could be. Be confident in who you are and remember, You’re So Beautiful Now.”

Watch his beautiful video for “Leading Man” below.

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