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EXCLUSIVE VID: Inside The JANA Wedding With Logan, Jake, Tana, and More!


EXCLUSIVE VID: Inside The JANA Wedding With Logan, Jake, Tana, and More!



YSBnow had a front row seat for all the festivities at 2019’s wedding of the year. We’re taking you with us inside the holy cloutromony of Jake Paul and Tana Mongeau. The happy couple invited us to the pre-party, ceremony (yes, we witnessed the fight!), reception, and after party. We had a few moments to chat on the carpet, where Tana spilled what she did on the night before the wedding, and Logan Paul told us when he met Tana for the first time, spilled his thoughts on their decision to get married, and gave us an updated on the pink eye heard round the world.

Watch the video here:

We saved our full Instagram story from inside the night to a highlight so head to and check it out on the JANA highlight.

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