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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Cereal Saturday With Jake Miller!


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Cereal Saturday With Jake Miller!

7 Things We Learned Over Lucky Charms

During our #CerealSaturday with Jake Miller, we learned…

  1. That he tried busking during his trip to NYC, but got busted by a fan!
  2. Simone Biles first tweeted Jake over two years ago, and they finally met in person at the VMAs.
  3. He digs chocolate covered pomegranates.
  4. Jake’s tour manager, Scooter, is a fabulous cook, who makes a killer egg sandwich!
  5. He recorded 100 songs for the Overnight EP (and we want to hear every single one of them!)
  6. Jake’s signed to Wilhelmina Models and hopes to act one day.
  7. When he first started making music, his high school classmates talked behind his back, but he didn’t let their negativity stop him from pursuing his passion.
  8. Since we ate Lucky Charms, we had to include one more tidbit for good luck: Jake’s planning a tour for early 2017. YAS!

Watch the video below to see the full interview. 

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