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Jack Johnson Just Gave The Best Advice About Not Being Afraid Of Rejection


Jack Johnson Just Gave The Best Advice About Not Being Afraid Of Rejection


Rejection is probably one of the hardest things to overcome. There’s rejection in literally every aspect of life, whether it’s something as big as a crush or something as small as not having the kind of milk you like at your local coffee shop, and it never goes away. We know that sounds pretty daunting, but we promise there’s an upside, and we have one of our faves Jack J to help us tell about it. 

A fan tweeted at Jack asking how he avoids catching feelings for someone who probably won’t like you back, which is a problem we’ve ALL faced, and his response was super inspiring. 

Sometimes heartbreak can be a GOOD thing, and it only helps you grow to be confident and vulnerable, so facing rejection head-on is a strong and bold move. But if you’re still having trouble, see what Jack said about fearing rejection:

We know it sounds easier than said than done, but Jack has advice for that too!

Ok, we know his advice got a little silly towards the end, but what we think he’s saying is that we only live once, we’re all just people, and you’re probably overthinking any rejection you’re worried about.

Did this advice help you? Let us know what you think @YSBnow!

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