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Kayla Maisonet Is Empowering Girls Everywhere With Her #ADreamIsAGift Campaign


Kayla Maisonet Is Empowering Girls Everywhere With Her #ADreamIsAGift Campaign

“Through such trying times, having a goal and a dream with a vision is an incredible thing.”

Stuck In The Middle star Kayla Maisonet just launched a social media campaign called #ADreamIsAGift, and we are SO on board!

The goal of the initiative is to encourage and support young females to voice their dreams, create action plans and work towards achieving them.

“This year, so much change has happened and through it all to stay positive, powerful and continue to move forward with a dream and a goal is such a wonderful thing,” said Kayla on Instagram. “Being a young woman, it is important to have our voices heard and rather than tearing each other down, let’s lift each other up. A young woman with a dream is one to be reckoned with.”

Kayla is asking all girls out there to tag her in videos/photos of them holding up a sign with the hashtag #ADreamIsAGift. In the post, share your dreams for yourself and America in an effort to inspire others to pursue whatever they want to do.

Here are some of the incredible submissions she’s received so far.

@kyladrewatla is dreaming big!

This fan’s dream is “to be successful in college, and to build a rescue center for ALL animals.”

“‘Dreams come in a size too big so that we can grow into them.’ Thank you @kaymais for reminding us all that,” says @elbelle2011.

Thank you for inspiring us, Kayla!

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