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Lorde Might Have A Secret Onion Ring Review Finsta Account


Lorde Might Have A Secret Onion Ring Review Finsta Account

You read that correctly.

We love onion rings as much as anybody else does, but we think Lorde might be the queen of onion rings after hearing this. 

It turns out that a fan did some super sleuthing to find an Instagram account followed by Lorde, reviewing different onion rings around the world. It’s not so strange that Lorde would follow a funny account like that, but here’s where it gets suspiscious. The account only has 24 followers, the fingers in the photos with the onion rings look just like Lorde’s, and the cities and dates match up to when Lorde would have visited them!

For all of the super detailed accounts of Lorde’s whereabouts matching up to the onion ring account’s posts, click here. 

Unfortunately, the account has since been taken down, but the original username was “OnionRingsWorldwide” which is pretty much spot on for any onion ring fan account. 

For more info, check out this tweet:

Hey Lorde, want to come to the YSBnow House for an onion ring party?!

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