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Music Monday: Here’s Why Will Jay’s “Gangsta” Song and Video Are Our Choice This Week


Music Monday: Here’s Why Will Jay’s “Gangsta” Song and Video Are Our Choice This Week

He’s breaking down stereotypes AND making us dance.

Will Jay never fails to surprise us. He’s blown us away before with videos like “Leading Man” and “Gentleman” and his work is always stunning, well thought out, and memorable. The song and video for “Leading Man” tackled racial stereotypes in leading roles in Hollywood and now Will is back to take on what it means to be a “man” and why there shouldn’t be certain rules to follow. A bop with an empowering message? Yes, please! 

But it isn’t just that Will’s song has a feel-good vibe and the vocals to back it up; his performance in the vid is EPIC. Will’s personality shines through the dance moves and just makes the song that much better. 

Watch Will’s “Gangsta” music video now: 

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