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MUST-WATCH: Carson Lueders Just Dropped His Hottest Song Yet


MUST-WATCH: Carson Lueders Just Dropped His Hottest Song Yet

“Have You Always” showcases Carson’s soulful side

At our last cover shoot, Carson told us all about his musical journey and how his sound has really been evolving, especially over the past year.


And it couldn’t be more evident than in his newest single, “Have You Always.”

It’s a total bop that we have on repeat – and we’re not the only ones. In less than 24 hours, the vid’s racked up almost 400,000 views! Of course, we hit the “Thumbs Up” button immediately!

Carson also co-wrote the song, which makes it even more impressive, and we think this track will take Carson’s career to another level. Way to go, Carson! It feels like only yesterday we were auditioning to be your backup dancers!

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