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Nathan Kress Is Officially a Dad!


Nathan Kress Is Officially a Dad!

The “iCarly” actor just introduced us to his newborn daughter, Rosie!

In news our hearts can’t emotionally handle, Nathan Kress is officially the proud father of a beautiful baby girl. The “iCarly” actor and accomplished Nickelodeon director and his wife London are over-the-moon excited about the precious new addition to their family. As they very well should be.

Nathan was so sweet gushing over his daughter on social media.

“??’This is the start… This is your heart… This is the day you were born. This is the sun… these are your lungs… This is the day you were born. And I am always, always, always yours. Hallelujah, I’m cavin’ in… hallelujah, I’m in love again.’?? Rosie Carolyn Kress, born 12/21/17 at 3:59pm. 6 lbs, 6 ounces of utter joy. Mom and baby are doing amazing. I am an emotional wreck. In the good way!” Nathan posted on Instagram, sharing the first photos of his daughter and updating us on how his girls are doing.

You HAVE to swipe through this Instagram gallery to see Rosie’s precious face! Those cheeks!

Here’s a Freddie Benson GIF that accurately shows our reactions when we saw Rosie’s pics on our Insta feed:

Many congratulations and best wishes, Nathan and London!

Written by Kristine Hope Kowalski

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