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See the 7 Best Moments in Asher Angel’s “Chemistry” Music Vid


See the 7 Best Moments in Asher Angel’s “Chemistry” Music Vid

His latest release is his best one yet, and stars YSBnow cover girl Annie LeBlanc!

For over a month, fans have been anxiously awaiting the release of Asher Angel’s music vid for “Chemistry.” Shot at The Peppermint Club in Los Angeles, the video stars Annie LeBlanc as Asher’s crush and features amazing vocals, dancing, and you guessed it – chemistry! 

While the entire video is pure awesomeness, we had to round up 7 of our favorite moments.

Check ’em out!

1. When Asher Angel recruited his close pal, Ricky Garcia, for a cameo. Nice shades, Ricky!

2. Annie, being total #SmileGoals!

3. Asher’s wink:

4. This twirl:

5. When the camera caught Asher making Annie laugh:

6. Annie’s choreo:

7. And last, but not least, “the point.”

Watch the entire video below and tell us your favorite moments on Twitter and Instagram!


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