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See This U.S. Army Veteran Get Surprised With A Service Animal


See This U.S. Army Veteran Get Surprised With A Service Animal

Luciano Yulfo thought he was going to a basketball game, but he left with a new best friend!

Today’s Veteran’s Day, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Over the past week, it seems like everyone on social media and on TV has been divided over America’s future. But it’s really important to remember that we are one country and we must be strong together and love one another. Everyone’s talking about who voted for who this past Tuesday, but today especially, let’s take a moment to remember and appreciate those who risked or lost their lives so that we COULD vote. And remember and applaud the brave servicemen and women who served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and all over the world to protect our safety and freedom. 

One of those servicemen is U.S. Army veteran and Sergeant First Class Luciano Yulfo, who served 36 years in the military. Last night, he thought he was being honored at a New York Knicks game, but after spending 18 months on a waiting list, he was surprised with a service dog! Watch the heartwarming video below. 

God Bless America.

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