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The Teacher’s Aide Who Exposed Her Racism & Ignorance On Social Media Just Got Fired


The Teacher’s Aide Who Exposed Her Racism & Ignorance On Social Media Just Got Fired

She was using social media to spread hate, but legions of social media users came together to fight it!

Social media can literally be the worst. People can write whatever they want with no consequences whatsoever. And up until this past weekend, one of those people was Jane Wood Allen, a middle-aged woman from Georgia, who posted her completely abhorrent views on Facebook. For example, she wrote that Muslims don’t belong in America (umm, maybe nobody told her that our country was founded upon the concept of freedom of religion?!) and compared FLOTUS to a gorilla. And what’s even sicker than her views is the fact that SHE IS A TEACHER’S AIDE! Or shall we say, was a teacher’s aide.

On Friday morning, Roni Dean-Burren, a Ph.D candidate at the University of Houston, posted screencaps of Allen’s Facebook posts, asking, “Is that who you want teaching your kids?” The next day, #BlackLivesMatter activist and journalist Shaun King learned of the story and shared it with his 900,000+ Facebook followers:

The result?

YES! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Allen may have been using social media to spread hate, but social media users came together to silence that hate, and ensure that no students would ever be taught by her again.

Your voice is so powerful. Use it. If you see something, whether in person, or on social media, and you know it’s not okay, tell someone. Stick up for what’s right. Always.

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