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THROWBACK: Ariana Grande Made a Makeup Routine Video in 2012


THROWBACK: Ariana Grande Made a Makeup Routine Video in 2012


This is such a crazy throwback! It’s hard to imagine Ari having time to sit down and film a makeup routine video now that she’s selling out world tours and releasing hit songs left and right, but back in 2012 Ariana released a makeup routine video on her YouTube channel!

The 8 minute video goes through her former routine using affordable products and she even explains how to copy the look with ease! Ari’s routine is simple and probably a little different from her current one. In the description for the video Ari even admits to not having a full brush set! “Y’all have been asking me to make this video since forever ago so I finally made it for you! Please don’t take this tutorial too seriously considering I don’t even have a full brush set haha. Love you guys.”

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