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Top 10 Moments and Fan Reactions From Zach Clayton’s Insta Bae Music Video


Top 10 Moments and Fan Reactions From Zach Clayton’s Insta Bae Music Video

It looks like everyone is LOVING Zach’s new video.

Zach Clayton dropped his Insta Bae music video this weekend and it did not disappoint. The proof is in the pudding when you watch his epic vid, but we weren’t the only ones who thought so. 

Here are the top 5 moments from Insta Bae and the top 10 fan reactions to the new video:

1. The epic on-stage performance!

2. The tweets at the beginning about everyone going to his show.

3. When he took selfies on a fan’s phone…we are SO jealous!

4. This AMAZING kid dancing!

5. These little girls who are giving us life.

Fan reactions:

Taryn loved it so much that it made her excited for his new songs!

This fan is so proud of how far Zach has come already and can’t wait to see where this takes him.

Laura loved pretty much everything about it!

Paola loved it too and is so proud of Zach.

Camryn literally can’t stop watching it.

The best kind of fan tweet is one that loves your video AND promotes it!

Woah – this fan gave the video 110%!

And Julieta says it’s PERFECT.

What did you think of the video? Let us know on Twitter @YSBnow!

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