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Watch Louie Lueders Perform His New Trick!


Watch Louie Lueders Perform His New Trick!

It’s pretty impressive.

If you don’t already know who Louie Lueders is, you’re missing out on some major cuteness. Carson Lueders recently got a pup and he might be one of our new fave social media stars. Louie Lueders is a 1 year old long haired chihuahua and he goes pretty much everywhere with Carson, which means he’s always hanging with your fave stars!

Louie recently attended Annie LeBlanc’s launch party for her new jewelry and the two posed for this adorable pic:

Then Louie got the party started with his new trick. Check it out:

So cute! Make sure you check out more from Louie on his Instagram @LouieLueders! Check out our interviews from Annie’s party:

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