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Why Austin Mahone’s New Single Sends A Dangerous Message


Why Austin Mahone’s New Single Sends A Dangerous Message

Pressuring someone into sending photos is never okay.

Austin Mahone’s latest single is causing talk among listeners all over the world; however, most of that attention is not the good kind.

The lyric video for “Send It” was released last week on Austin’s VEVO channel and the words of the song are…questionable, to say the least.

The track, featuring Homie Quan, is seemingly about Austin pressuring a girl to text him nude selfies. He starts by singing, “Send it to my phone / you already know I keep it on the low,” reassuring the figurative girl that he won’t share any photos he receives with anyone else. 

The song’s issues persist in the verses when Austin questions “What’s takin’ so long?” for her to take the photos and remarks “don’t need no attitude,” when she presumably hesitates to send them.

Though some may think “Send It” is just a harmless tune with a catchy beat, its message is in fact incredibly dangerous.

A 2015 Indiana University survey found that one in five young adults who “sext” (aka send sexually explicit photographs to others via cell phone) experience sexting coercion.

Sexting coercion is when one forces another to send such photos against their will. It’s actually a form of sexual abuse and, as the study indicated, can be extremely traumatizing to the victim.

In extreme instances, teens like Amanda Todd and Jessica Logan have tragically taken their own life after having the nude photos they sent to a partner shared with the world.

It’s important to note that the real conflict here is not the act of sending explicit images, but rather pushing someone to do something they may not want to do – especially something as personal as sharing their bare body!

You have the right to protect yourself and choose when/with whom to consent to any kind of sexual activity. The choice is ALWAYS yours and no boyfriend, girlfriend or celebrity should ever pressure you to “Send It.” 

We love you, #YSBnowFam!

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