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10 Fool-Proof Ways To Freeze Out A Friday Night Funk


10 Fool-Proof Ways To Freeze Out A Friday Night Funk

It’s totally okay (and normal) to have a bad day, #YSBnowFam!

Weekends are awesome. Except when they’re not. It’s so easy to get in a funk when you’re home on a Friday night and everyone from school is posting about what they’re doing on social media.

Here’s the thing:  It’s totally normal to have a bad day – and sometimes, feelings of sadness or depression can come out of nowhere. If you’re feeling really upset, tell an adult you trust, like your favorite aunt or sports coach. But if you’re feeling a little down, here are 10 things that help us smile when we’re not at our best.

Check it out and always remember, you’re never alone, and you’re so beautiful now! 

1. Look at these adorable puppy and kitten gifs!

2. Think about someone you haven’t talked to in a while and call them! Phone calls are so underrated these days! Plus, there’s nothing like hearing the voice of a loved one to lift your spirits – and chances are, you’ll lift their spirits, too.

3. Bake a cake with your mom:

4. Watch this:

5. Then this:

6. Push play & have your own little dance party!

7. Walk to your local library and escape in a world of books:

8. Check out & learn about ways you can give back in your neighborhood, just like Joshua Rush!

9. Look through old family photo albums and re-live all the fun memories from when you were a little kid!

10. Watch this video, which will totally inspire you!

You got this!

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