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10 Gorgeous Pies To Bake On National Pie Day


10 Gorgeous Pies To Bake On National Pie Day

Almost too pretty to eat!

Today is National Pie Day and it only seems natural to celebrate with a good ‘ol fashion slice of pie. Don’t you think? We searched Pinterest and found not just any pies, but 10 absolutely GORGEOUS pies to inspire the baker in you.


Which one of these looks the tastiest to you? Tweet @YSBnow and let us know!

1. Cherry-apple pie garden:

2. Rosy Rhubarb and strawberry pie:

3. American berry pie (4th of July dessert, anyone?!):

4. Gingerbread leaf pie:

5. Triple berry pie with leaf vine crust:

6. Braided apple pie:

7. Turkey pumpkin pie (pin this for next year’s Thanksgiving!):

8. Pie slabs:

9. Rose apple pie:

10. And, of course, this stunning floral apple pie:

Mmm! *heart eyes emoji*

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