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10 Of Lilly Singh’s Most Relatable Tweets


10 Of Lilly Singh’s Most Relatable Tweets

Prepare to LOL!

If you follow Lilly Singh on Twitter, you are surely no stranger to the 140 character pieces of art that are her tweets. Whether she’s serving up some serious #GirlLove or connecting with us on a spiritual level, @IISuperwomanII is always worth a retweet.

Don’t believe us? Here are 10 of her most relatable tweets to prove it. 

1. Lilly on the love of pizza:

2. On taking off your makeup:

3. On spanx:

4. On cleaning your room:

5. On having responsibilities:

6. On waking up early:

7. On loving Ed Sheeran:

8. On finding love:

9. On periods:

10. And, finally, on the hair band struggle:

Thanks for lighting up our lives and newsfeeds, Lilly!

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