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Adele Dedicates Her Grammy Award To Beyonce And Fans Had The Best Reactions!


Adele Dedicates Her Grammy Award To Beyonce And Fans Had The Best Reactions!

Adele and Beyonce are the new BFF goals.

At the Grammy awards last night, Adele won the coveted Album of the Year award for her album “25”, which was definitely the cherry on top of the night for Adele! Not only did she perform twice and win all 5 awards she was nominated for, but being the loveable lady she is, she took the time out of her speech to express her love for her fellow AOTY nominee Beyonce! We love when women support other women instead of tear each other down, so it was a really beautiful moment to end out the awards show! Plus, fans on Twitter LOVED the interaction between the two beauties. Check out the best reactions!


After last night, we are 100% positive we want an Adele and Beyonce duet. Like now!

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