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Ariana Grande Shares An Inspiring Message for Her Fans


Ariana Grande Shares An Inspiring Message for Her Fans

The singer wants to be a good role model for everyone who looks up to her.

Ariana Grande literally has millions of fans, who listen to her music, follow her on every social media platform, and wait patiently for her to drop news on us. But even though the pop star has supporters of every age, and all around the world, she feels a huge sense of responsibility to be a good role model for her younger listeners.

“Thinking about [my fans], I can cry,” she shared with Nylon. “I just want them to love themselves so much. I feel a maternal responsibility toward them.”

“I’m really grateful to be able to do what I’ve dreamt of since a little girl,” she added. “Which is [to] perform and create and express myself with art and communicate with a fan base that can also relate, that can share my feelings and get something… or can heal from it or can turn up to it or celebrate to it or feel better about themselves because of it is a beautiful thing.”

When asked about the kind of impact she hopes to have on her fans’ lives, Ariana dropped some incredible wisdom – and an important reminder. “The thing that I want to instill the most is the message that you are loved,” she shared. “There are so many different kinds of beautiful. You’re beautiful because of who you are.”

We couldn’t agree more! In fact – it’s kind of our YSB motto, after all!

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