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BFFriday: Jessi Case and Bea Miller


BFFriday: Jessi Case and Bea Miller

These two talented babes are BFF goals.

Today, November 18th, is obviously special because it’s Jessi Case’s 17th birthday, but it’s also Friday (which means BFFriday is here). We’re so excited for this week’s BFFs because not only do we get to celebrate their awesome friendship, we get to celebrate Jessi’s birthday!

Bea and Jessi have been friends for a while now and even their fans have noticed what a special bond they have. Check out this incredible fan made video.

Now that they’re taking Hollywood by storm, they’re both so lucky to have each other.

Bea says, “you’re literally the nicest person i know, you have a way with every person you meet that makes them feel special and i’m so lucky to know you and experience that every day,” of her best friend.

From red carpet events like the Teen Choice Awards…

To just hanging in their sweats together…

These two have a friendship that anyone could admire.

Even this photo of them bra shopping is adorbs…and it’s not easy to be adorable while bra shopping.

We love you Jessi and Bea!

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