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See This Mom’s Empowering Napkin Art


See This Mom’s Empowering Napkin Art

Lunch with a side of feminism!

With the rise of social media, the world has gotten to see the amazing talent of parents everywhere and how they put their skills to good use in the seemingly basic task of making their kids’ school lunch. This dad makes lunches based on the movies and characters his kids are interested in, another draws cool pictures on what would ordinarily be a brown paper bag. But recently, this mom caught our attention for the messages she’s been illustrating on her daughter’s napkins every day.

Rhode Island mom, Meaghan Elderkin has been Instagramming photos of the napkin art she draws for her kids for weeks. What started as clever dinosaur puns became animal versions of historical figures like Susan Bee Anthony and Ruth Beaver Ginsburg and has since transformed into beautiful portraits of strong female figures and powerful feminist quotes. Her drawings took a political turn in the last few weeks. “I felt really small and powerless after the results of the election,” she said. “I wanted to remind my daughter (and myself, I guess) that we’re still strong and powerful even when we’re afraid. A lot of strong women have come before us, and they’ve had to fight even scarier obstacles.”

Her pictures garnered attention after she began posting them in the Hillary Clinton support group on Facebook, Pantsuit Nation. She of course drew the Democratic Party nominee alongside inspiring words from her concession speech that she hopes will serve as inspiration to her daughter, Holden. The messages she’s been sending with her daughter have no doubt resulted in some of the most empowering school lunches around. Take a look at some of our favorites below:

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