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Celebrate National Donut Day With Your Fave Celebs


Celebrate National Donut Day With Your Fave Celebs

Stars like Rydel, Shay Mitchell, and Victoria Justice are all about donuts!

It’s National Donut Day! We’re pretty sure that means that you HAVE to eat a donut today! Let’s check out some of our favorite celebs who love donuts too! 

Jenna Ortega watched an episode of “Stuck In The Middle” while eating a donut! That sounds like the best night ever!

Selena Gomez looks at her donuts in the most loving way!

Shay Mitchell eats donuts everywhere! Even on the treadmill!

And her assistant Sammy is so obsessed with donuts that all of her friends are texting her to make sure she got one today!

In 2012, Rydel Lynch had donuts for breakfast! Yum!

Victoria Justice celebrated Donut Day last year! Do you think she’s on her way to the donut shop right now?

One of the first times we hung out with Lizzy Greene was at a Donut WALL!

So let us know on Twitter @YSBnow if you guys are getting donuts today! What’s your favorite flavor?!

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