How she got started in dancing, tips for new dancers, and more!
You’ve probably seen Larsen Thompson’s epic dance video that we posted above, so we thought it’d be cool to ask her a little about being a dancer. Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in dance or even just as a hobby? We asked Larsen all the important questions!
How did you get started dancing?
I started dancing at the age of three. I fell in love with it and the idea of performing and getting all dressed up in costumes was everything. At the age of nine, I began to train more seriously and started auditioning for industry work. I don’t think I’ll ever stop dancing, it’s a part of me!
How can someone who has no dance background get started?
It’s never too late to start dancing. In fact, some of the best dancers in the industry didn’t start training and taking dance until their late teenage years. I would recommend finding a great dance studio that has awesome trainers with a focus in ballet. Don’t worry about signing up for a dance company right away, just try all different styles of dance to get comfortable and confident in what you’re doing. Don’t get frustrated as it takes time. You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone.
What are some dance inspired exercises that you find fun and are doable at home for our readers?
Stretching is very important to staying flexible so start with that. I dance all the time to different routines in my room just to have fun and create new choreography. If you want to get better at turning then buy a turning board and practice in the garage or on hard flooring. Practice, practice, practice…
What move do you bust out at parties?
Honestly, the music is what inspires me. I just love moving to the music and doing what comes naturally. Being comfortable improvising to a song is important as it will allow you to try different movement styles.
What does dance mean to you? How does it help you express yourself?
Dance is my love and true passion! It has been an incredible platform for me in feeling confident in myself and in entertaining people. It is an outlet for me to express my feelings and connecting to a specific song or choreographer’s vision.
Tell us about your Dance Haul video and what else you have coming up!
The recent Dance Haul with Sweety High was an amazing experience. Taylor Hatala (my BFF and Fraternal Twin) and I got to work with some amazing and talented people that are pro’s at video production. It was like being on set of a commercial with a team of people working for you, led by Veronica Zelle- founder of the company and director. Our amazing choreographer and visionary for the concept video was Janelle Ginestra. WildaBeast Adams helped choregraph and made us laugh on set. We have several more videos coming out in 2016 and we appreciate all of the support.