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EXCLUSIVE: Dylan Conrique Shares Her Advice For Getting Over Nerves


EXCLUSIVE: Dylan Conrique Shares Her Advice For Getting Over Nerves

Find out the amazing advice her mom gave her!

“Chicken Girls” star Dylan Conrique has been watching Disney Channel ever since she was just a little girl, looking up to stars like Zendaya. When she tried her hand at acting, she realized it was something she was really passionate about and eventually her family made the big move to Los Angeles. 

When we hung out with her recently, she told us about that journey and how she gets over any nerves she may have before a big audition or filming a scene, which is awesome advice that anyone could use for a school play or a big class presentation! 

Watch it here: 

Make sure to check out our other videos with Dylan too, like the time she answered YOUR fan questions:

Or the time she spilled “Chicken Girls” set secrets:

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