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EXCLUSIVE: Kerri Medders Talks “Lot 17” EP


EXCLUSIVE: Kerri Medders Talks “Lot 17” EP

The singer gave us an exclusive interview on her latest release.


Kerri Medders’ EP Lot 17 has arrived and we have an exclusive Q&A with Kerri to celebrate! 

Kerri’s work is a beautiful collection of stories, lyrics, and sounds that take you inside what it’s like to be a 17 year old. 

Check out what Kerri had to say about her EP:

What do you want listeners to take away from Lot 17? 

I love creating music that connects with people. I hope that me being as vulnerable as I was with Lot 17 will really reach my listeners in a way that they can relate to whatever is going on in their lives. 


2. What was your favorite thing about making this EP? 

I love how much it grooves and feels like me! From the sounds to the lyrics to the creative process of putting everything together.


3. What was the inspiration behind the name of the EP?

I came up with this idea of storage lockers after thinking about how people store their old memorabilia inside that they don’t want laying around anymore. Instead of physical items, I thought about my emotions and memories that I’m pouring out on this ep and how I can keep them all inside a locker. And I’m 17 so that’s where Lot 17 comes from!


4. Can you name some artists who helped influence either the sound or lyrics of Lot 17?

The 1975’s second record, ‘I like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it‘ inspired me to make some of the tracks but also other influencers and individual songs sparked inspiration. 


5. Which song is your favorite to perform? 

I think my favorite to perform is Slipping because it’s so 80’s. I let the rhythm move through my body and it’s so much fun.

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