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Exclusive Q&A with “Free Rein” Star Jaylen Barron!


Exclusive Q&A with “Free Rein” Star Jaylen Barron!

Season 2 premieres tomorrow on Netflix

We love “Free Rein” and can’t wait for Season 2 of the Netflix series!

It was great catching up with Jaylen Barron, who plays Zoe. Check out our exclusive interview below!

1) My role models are…

Halle Berry & Viola Davis. 

2) What does the word “beautiful” mean to you?

Kindness and empathy for people and animals.

3) What’s your favorite inspirational quote?

“Nothing will work unless you do.” -Maya Angelou

4) What can fans expect in Season 2 of the show?

Zoe grows up a bit in this season and she’s a much better rider. Raven is also a better horse and this comes with a price. New people with new plans for Raven are not always what they seem …

5) How did you feel when the show won not one, but two Emmys?

It was unbelievable and a complete honor to have worked with so many talented people.

6) What’s it like behind the scenes on the “Free Rein” set?

It’s tough sometimes, I’m not going to lie. It’s cold in England for this California girl and it takes getting used to being in another country with a different culture, but the people on set make me feel like they are my family away from home. We have a lot of fun, that’s for sure, and the horses are a bonus!

Don’t miss Jaylen on Season 2 of Free Rein. It starts streaming on Netflix tomorrow!

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