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EXCLUSIVE VID: Alexis G. Zall Spills On Being Roomies With Steffan Argus At The ‘Dirty 30’ Premiere


EXCLUSIVE VID: Alexis G. Zall Spills On Being Roomies With Steffan Argus At The ‘Dirty 30’ Premiere

“The best thing about living with Steffan is…”

When we heard that Steffan Argus and Alexis G. Zall were going to be roomies, we knew it was awesome for us because of all of the pics and videos they were going to post together! But when we caught up with Alexis at the premiere of the new movie Dirty 30, we had to ask her some questions ourselves that couldn’t be answered through social media posts. 

Watch our exclusive interview with Alexis and find out what it’s like living with her and Steffan! 

Plus, catch her playing our 30 game where she tells us what she’d do with 30 dollars, what the world will be like in 2030, and way more!

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