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EXCLUSIVE VID: “Andi Mack” Star Luke Mullen Shares His Hollywood Journey


EXCLUSIVE VID: “Andi Mack” Star Luke Mullen Shares His Hollywood Journey

“I had a goal and I never gave up.”

It’s been an incredible year for Andi Mack’s Luke Mullen. After debuting as TJ on the groundbreaking Disney Channel series, he quickly became a fan favorite, and what was first a seemingly one-dimensional “bully” character ended up being incredibly complex.

What Luke fans may not know is that the 17-year-old actor struggled for three years, driving three hours each way from his home in Santa Barbara for auditions, without booking a single acting job. And then came Andi Mack. “I had a goal and I never gave up, no matter how many auditions I didn’t get,” he shares. “If you just follow what you are really passionate about, something will happen – because it did for me.” 

Get seriously inspired below, and don’t miss Luke in new episodes of Andi Mack, Friday nights at 8, only on Disney Channel!

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