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EXCLUSIVE VID: Danielle Cohn Says She Got A Lot Of Hate For Her First Song


EXCLUSIVE VID: Danielle Cohn Says She Got A Lot Of Hate For Her First Song

Find out what she learned from the experience.

Danielle Cohn’s fanbase has grown to numbers in the millions and she isn’t slowing down any time soon. Dani’s original music has been a huge hit among her fans, but it didn’t start off that way.

When Danielle released her first song, it was because she was excited to get her career in music started and wanted to give her fans a song right away, but she knew the whole time that it wasn’t authentic to who she was. She didn’t want to be a rapper and she didn’t feel attached to the song, which she says was an important lesson to learn. 

Find out why Dani didn’t like her first song and what she learned from the process: 

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