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EXCLUSIVE: Gabriel Conte Admits “I wasn’t staying true to what I wanted to do.”


EXCLUSIVE: Gabriel Conte Admits “I wasn’t staying true to what I wanted to do.”

Gabriel Conte reveals the pressures he faced after moving to Los Angeles.

He’s got almost two million followers on Vine and over eight million YouTube views. But believe it or not, Gabriel Conte really struggled with the pressures that social media stardom can bring. Gabriel was just a normal college freshman studying theatre at UCF when his Vines started getting crazy popular. He made the difficult decision to leave his hometown in Florida and see what Hollywood had in store for his career. But being in a brand new city and not really knowing too many people was a difficult adjustment for the now 21-year-old. “I got caught up,” he says. “I wasn’t staying true to what I wanted to do.” Watch him bravely share his heartfelt story and inspiring message below.

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