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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Lilimar, Kira, Chloe, Jacob Sartorious + More Share Their Bullying Stories


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Lilimar, Kira, Chloe, Jacob Sartorious + More Share Their Bullying Stories

This Anti-Bullying Awareness Month, you are not alone.

If you’re being or have ever been bullied, you are not alone. According to, over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. 

In honor of Anti-Bullying Awareness Month, here’s a video of Lilimar, Kira Kosarin, Chloe Lukasiak, Jacob Sartorious, Grant Landis and Jonah Marais talking about their bullies, and how they overcame them.  

You are a shining light. Never forget that, YSBnow fam! 

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