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#FollowFriday: Joey King is the QUEEN of Twitter!


#FollowFriday: Joey King is the QUEEN of Twitter!

And these 10 tweets totally prove it

We’re used to seeing Joey King absolutely crush it in her acting roles, like as Greta in the critically-acclaimed series Fargo and the oh-so-relatable Elle in The Kissing Booth.

As a result, her Instagram has literally exploded. But when you hit that “follow” button on Twitter, you’ll immediately see that Joey’s got an awesome sense of humor that leaves us literally LOL-ing every time we’re on her timeline.

Check out 10 times she completely cracked us up!

1. When she revealed this fear:

2. When she left this heartfelt message:

3. When she was parking lot goals:

4. When she gave us #DancePartyFOMO:

5. When she perfectly described the rite of passage that happens during every trip to the mall:

6. When she had the best Halloween costume EVER:

7. When she described exactly what we’d do on a trip to San Fran:

8. When she shared her latest kitchen conundrum:

9. When she prepped for her passport pic:

10. No matter how successful Joey gets, she’ll always stay silly – and never fall into the Hollywood trap (like others in her family have):

We love you, Joey!

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