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For the First Time Ever, Women Will Compete In The World’s Most Prestigious Surf Competition!


For the First Time Ever, Women Will Compete In The World’s Most Prestigious Surf Competition!

Six female surfers will compete for $30,000!

Since 1999, only men have competed in Titans of Mavericks, known to be the most prestigious invite-only surf contest in the world. But this year, six women will finally compete for the $30,000 prize. The contest is held each year at Mavericks Surf Break in Half Moon Bay, California, with wave heights reaching over 20 feet!


So how’d women get the right to compete? The Committee for Equity in Women’s Surfing, a newly-formed group of female surfers, brought the absence of women in the competition to the Calfiornia Coastal Commission’s attention. In the past, women have been considered, but have never made the final list. CCC gave contest organizer, Cartel Management, an ultimatum. If they didn’t include a women’s heat, Cartel would risk losing the permit that allows them to hold the event.

Bianca Valenti, a female surfer, is ecstatic about this change in history, “This means that our sport is going to grow on the women’s side,” she said. “I’d like to see how this inspires other women to surf big waves with us because it’s an awesome sport.” YES!

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