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Gina Rodriguez to Produce and Host Award Show Honoring All Women


Gina Rodriguez to Produce and Host Award Show Honoring All Women

Yes, ALL women.

By: Emily J

You might know Gina Rodriguez from the amazing television show Jane the Virgin, but what you might not know is that she wants to honor all women. That’s right. All women. The actress will produce and host the first ever Marie Claire Young Women’s Honors, a televised award ceremony which casts a spotlight on diverse women who are making a huge difference in the world. 

In the statement released on Thursday, Gina said her goal in creating the event is to foster “inclusivity” and unlock women’s full and amazing potential. “As a young Latina, I had to break down barriers and overcome naysayers,” she said. “When you see someone following their dreams, it gives you allowance to follow your own.” 

In the promotional video down below, Gina says that the inspiration for this show came a long time ago. “[I was tired of] not seeing myself on screen and not seeing the Latino community personified in a positive light,” she said. She then continued to say she was lucky to have positive role models in her life. But, she knew not everyone was as lucky as she was. 

Young Women’s Honors is a chance for strong and powerful women to reach out to those who are struggling to find themselves and to inspire them. Young women who are breaking out in various fields such as, philanthropy, technology, science, and education will all be recognized. 

“I want to create a platform of these young women, that they can speak to as many people as possible, to share their story, and to then give hope that others can create a story just as beautiful and successful as theirs,” Gina concluded.

The Young Women’s Honors will air on the CW network on December 19th. We can’t wait to tune in!

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